Submit guest post to Top Blogs

Updated: January 2022
After rejecting most guest posts only because the creators submit posts without doing homework, we are still open to accepting guest posts. However, please note that we are constrained to decline or reject guest posts if we find them to be of the following nature:
  • routine offer that seems to have been sent to dozens of others
  • generic post that looks copy-pasted or with no deep knowledge or experience of the subject
  • irrelevant post
  • post with inappropriate content
  • post forcing us to accept links that are not too relevant and are obviously commercial
We had to remove two posts that we had put on Top Blogs after careful editing and value addition: one was forcing us to insert certain links, and the other had published a similar post on another website (we discovered that later). After that, we have become even more circumspect when we receive stock queries for guest posting. 

The present post will help in clarifying what we expect on guest posts.

Why a guest post on Top Blogs

New bloggers are in search of good backlinks for improving SEO, and they want to write guest posts on reputed websites. Though we are not that great a website, we consider ourselves a highly ethical website, and we would help good writers get a link from here. However, to earn a backlink from us, you should write only in an area in which you have the expertise, and write well. 

Others can write guest posts too (for their clients, for promoting a product or service, and so on), but the post must add value to the content of Top Blogs and not fall in the grey areas mentioned above.

Please read the following guidelines for guest posting before you submit a guest post to us. If still not sure, write to us.

guest post on Top Blogs

Guest post guidelines

1. Submit your guest post to The title of the email must be GUEST POST.
2. We prefer guest posts from bloggers, but are open to guest posts from other content creators. If you are a blogger, it would help if at the end of the email, you give a link to your blog.
3. The blog or other web entity maintained by the guest post writer should not indulge in hate, crime, pornography etc.
4. The guest post submitted to Top Blogs must be original. You can later publish it anywhere you like, with a link to the related Top Blogs post. 
5. You must certify when you submit the guest post. Please say that THE GUEST POST BEING SUBMITTED TO Top Blogs IS ORIGINAL AND HAS NOT BEEN PUBLISHED ANYWHERE ELSE.
6. The quality of post content must be above-average. The information, ideas and examples should not be a copy-paste job.
7. Unusual keyword stuffing, giving links and other undesirable promotion or SEO will lead to rejection of the guest post. If some links to authority sites would add to understanding, such links will be accepted on the post.
8. The guest post must be well-composed. The language used must be standard. It should not have grammatical or proof mistakes.
9. The guest post can be in English or Hindi.
10. We shall be free to edit the guest post.
11. Please submit guest posts only on these topics:
  • explaining web technology in simple terms, tech tips;
  • blogging: updates, tips, discussion, etc;
  • blogging craft: tips or backgrounders (e.g. web/ blog designing, web hosting, writing, SEO, content writing; choosing the best option; image tips); 
  • social media: updates, discussion, tips, etc;
  • software and tools that help in blogging, content creation, content marketing, etc;
  • sharing your blogging journey, if that would inspire others or tell others what not to do. The experiences shared must be genuine.
We shall include the writer's small bio, photo and a backlink on the guest post. If you supply graphics with the post, the same should be copyright-free or your own. The copyright of the content will be with the guest/ creator while Top Blogs will have the right to use the content as its own.

You may like to visit this page on how to improve writing skills, so that what you write excels and is accepted by quality websites as guest posts.

We promote good blogging, free of charge. If you want your blog to become one of the best blogs in your niche, submit guest posts to good, genuine websites/ blogs not necessarily to Top Blogs. If you are focused on Indian blogs, you can look at top Indian blogs in different niches, for inspiration:
  1. Top literature and book blogs in India
  2. Top travel blogs in India
  3. Top food blogs in India
  4. Top Indian art and craft blogs 
  5. Top Indian lifestyle blogs
The content of the guest post published on Top Blogs will be the responsibility of the guest blogger, and it will be assumed that he/ she binds himself/herself with the policies outlined in this document.


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