Directory of Best Indian Blogs in 2022 released

The 12th edition of the Directory of Best Indian Blogs has been released today, the 1st of June 2022. The list of top Indian blogs in English has about two hundred entries. These blogs excel in content quality, regularity and overall blog resources, and meet a minimum design standard. They also show the blogger's commitment to blogging. While we call the blogs listed in the Directory as the best blogs in India, there are many more that go under our radar or we have to exclude them. It is partly due to their content-quality or regularity not meeting our standards. Partly it is due their becoming too business-like or maintaining the blog like a stand-alone website (a static home page, no archives, etc.). Yes, it is also partly because we have not been able to discover them. We look into blogrolls, other lists of good blogs, recommendations... We also receive hundreds of submissions on email. But we have to be discreet in choosing 'the best blogs in India'. Till mid...