Best blogs in India: Mid-year updation of 2019 directory

Like in earlier years, we are updating the Directory of Best Indian Blogs in December to include top Indian blogs in English that have come to our notice since May when we released the 9th edition of the Directory. We thank hundreds of bloggers who have recommended their or others' good blogs to us. As you would know, we include blogs in the Directory in a very objective way, and without any financial consideration or asking the blogger for backlinks in return. Plus, we cannot include blogs that are poor in quality, especially in content, and those pushing copy-pasted or inappropriate content. Therefore, out of the new blogs that we have examined only a few get a place in the Directory. During the mid-term review, we also check the existing blogs in the Directory for a major deterioration in regularity and a few other parameters. That has, like in the previous years, led to a few erstwhile good blogs dropping from the Directory. The following are the new blogs in the Direct...