
Showing posts from 2019

Best blogs in India: Mid-year updation of 2019 directory

Like in earlier years, we are updating the Directory of Best Indian Blogs in December to include top  Indian blogs in English that have come to our notice since May when we released the 9th edition of the Directory. We thank hundreds of bloggers who have recommended their or others' good blogs to us. As you would know, we include blogs in the Directory in a very objective way, and without any financial consideration or asking the blogger for backlinks in return. Plus, we cannot include blogs that are poor in quality, especially in content, and those pushing copy-pasted or inappropriate content. Therefore, out of the new blogs that we have examined only a few get a place in the Directory. During the mid-term review, we also check the existing blogs in the Directory for a major deterioration in regularity and a few other parameters. That has, like in the previous years, led to a few erstwhile good blogs dropping from the Directory. The following are the new blogs in the Direct

Hindi online magazines, web magazines, aggregators हिंदी में ऑनलाइन पत्रिकाऐं, वेब मैगजीन और समूहक

This page is maintained as an archive. For the latest list of Hindi magazines online, web magazines and aggregators , please visit the linked page. यह पोस्ट पुरानी जानकारी को सँजोने के उद्देश्य से हटाया नहीं गया है। हिन्दी में  ऑनलाइन  पत्रिकाओं, वेब मैगजीन और समूहक की अद्यतन लिस्ट ऊपर दिए लिंक पर देख सकते हैं।   The Indian blogging scene is seeing a more marked change as compared to its English counterpart. To a great extent, this is due to these characteristics of Hindi blogging: 1. English blogging had much more time to grow and mature before it was marginalized by social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Starting in 1994, English blogging reached its pinnacle sometime in 2005-8 and then its pre-eminence went down. Hindi blogging started much later but Hindi users adopted social networking almost simultaneously with English users. 2. English users have adopted professional blogging on a large scale. Hindi bloggers have remained personal bloggers. Those who wante

Best beauty and fashion blogs in India

We bring you the list of top beauty and fashion blogs in India. Part of this list comes from the latest edition of the Directory of Best Indian Blogs and part from new discoveries by us and includes blogs that are outstanding and yet cannot be included in that directory. In India, even in the heydays of blogging, there were not many bloggers writing on beauty and fashion. However, in the last few years, a large number of good fashion bloggers have emerged. Some of them are reported to be earning good money too. This list contains the best among Indian beauty and fashion blogs (of course, we might have missed a few despite our best efforts to find good Indian blogs in these niches). The blogs listed here focus on beauty and/or fashion. Many blogs have come up in recent years, which deal with lifestyle topics beyond beauty and fashion. You can see such blogs in another listing: Top Indian lifestyle blogs . List of top Indian beauty and fashion blogs bbeautilicious - Be Beautili

India's best photography blogs

A good number of photographers who have taken up photography as business have a website where they promote themselves. That holds good generally for photographers who have some offline presence, e.g. a shop.  However, not many Indian photographers maintain a blog. Does that mean, photographers do have a website but not a blog? Yes, most photographers' websites have a business front, where they talk of p hotography services, their rates, portfolios, etc. On the other hand, a photography blog focuses on photography as a subject and passion: it showcases photographs, photo-features and photo-stories, discusses the profession, shares tips, talks about gadgetry and so on. The blog may also sell photographs and photography services, but that comes as a natural offshoot.  While only some photographers maintain stand-alone blogs, many have their 'blogs' on Instagram and Pinterest,  places buzzing with visual content. Many photographers have tried their hands with photo-shari

India travel bloggers

This post gets updated about once a year. The latest update is of December 2020. Travel blogging has taken wings in India, though it started later than in western countries. We now have hundreds of bloggers who regularly travel and showcase their journeys on their blogs. Established travel bloggers share travel tips and blogging advice. Many of them have affiliation with travel/ food/ tourism/ culture/ airline industry through which they earn and also sometimes offer discounts to their visitors. The top bloggers in this niche monetize their assets well and are reported to be earning handsomely through travel blogging. Though COVID has bruised this blogging niche badly, things are improving now. Hats off to travel bloggers who have maintained their blogs and continued with travel during this trying period! Vaccines have started being administered, and we can hope to say bye to lockdowns and restrictions on travel in the coming months. We give here links to top Indian travel blogs. M

Top literary blogs list: India's best literature blogs 2023 [also other great book resources]

Updated on 26/03/2023 We have been bringing out a list of best literature blogs in India, in English, for the last 9 years.  The present list includes the best literature blogs in 2023,which are maintained by individual bloggers or their enterprises. There are many other good literary blogs that we know of, but they could not be included as they were not regular in posting.  Indian English blogging, like other online formats of expression and socialization, is constantly undergoing changes. New, especially young, bloggers now create professional blogs as they no longer need blogging for their personal social networking needs. For personal shares and networking, they prefer instant platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. In India, much of the blogging on literature in local languages still remains hobby-centric, not professional.  One area in which bloggers of Indian languages beat literary bloggers in English is classic and popular literature . The literature

2019 Indian blogosphere survey

We are producing a detailed blogogsphere survery of Indian English blogs after a long gap. If you want to see our earlier ones, we have given links to them at the end of this post. Let us break the survey into sections for easy readability. You can jump to the section using their hyperlinked headings. 1. How many blogs are there in the Indian blogosphere? 2. Are the Indian English blogs driven by the intent of making money? 3. What are the main blogging niches of English blogs in India? 4. How long will blogging survive the onslaught of other social media formats? 5. What are ITB's summary observations on the Indian blogging scene [in English]? Number of English blogs on India and by Indians First of all, it is difficult to define blogs. All sorts of long-form posts on social sites are now taken as blogs. Then there are video blogs, websites maintained as blogs, blogs maintained as websites, and a range of other combinations that make it very difficult to come to

How to make a blog with appealing web design (in Hindi): सुन्दर सा ब्लॉग कैसे बनाएं

यह पोस्ट हिंदी के ब्लॉगर साथियों के लिए है. हिंदी के ब्लॉगर्स लिखते तो सुन्दर हैं लेकिन उनके ब्लॉगों में अधिकतर में डिज़ाइन (web design) का ध्यान नहीं रखा जा रहा है जिसकी वजह से उनका ब्लॉग या तो फूहड़ लगने लगता है, या फिर डिज़ाइन की खामी के कारण लोग मुख पृष्ठ से सही विषय-वस्तु तक नहीं पहुँच पाते.   अगर आप हिंदी के नए ब्लॉगर हैं, अपने ब्लॉग की रूप-सज्जा से खुश नहीं हैं या आप अपने ब्लॉग से संतुष्ट हैं लेकिन कोशिश में रहते हैं कि इसे कैसे और ज़्यादा उत्कृष्ट बनाया जाए, तो यह पोस्ट आपके लिए है. जो चित्र ऊपर दिया हुआ है, वो ब्लॉगर प्लेटफार्म पर करीब 10  मिनट में तैयार हुआ है. अच्छे ब्लॉग के लिए ज़रूरी है कि उसमें पठन सामग्री (written content) और डिज़ाइन दोनों उम्दा स्तर के हों.   वेबसाइट डिज़ाइन ( web design) के बारे में कई अवधारणाएं पैदा होती रही हैं जो रिसर्च, सर्वे आदि से या तो बलवती होती गईं या फिर टूट गईं. चलिए, उन सब में नहीं उलझते, लेकिन एक-दो बातें जो वेबसाइट डिज़ाइन के बारे में गाँठ बाँधने लायक हैं, उनका ज़िक्र ज़रूरी है: एक तो यह कि डिज़ाइन ऐसा होना चाहिए जिससे साइट में उपलब्ध सामग्री