India's best photography blogs

A good number of photographers who have taken up photography as business have a website where they promote themselves. That holds good generally for photographers who have some offline presence, e.g. a shop. 

However, not many Indian photographers maintain a blog. Does that mean, photographers do have a website but not a blog? Yes, most photographers' websites have a business front, where they talk of photography services, their rates, portfolios, etc. On the other hand, a photography blog focuses on photography as a subject and passion: it showcases photographs, photo-features and photo-stories, discusses the profession, shares tips, talks about gadgetry and so on. The blog may also sell photographs and photography services, but that comes as a natural offshoot. 

While only some photographers maintain stand-alone blogs, many have their 'blogs' on Instagram and Pinterest,  places buzzing with visual content. Many photographers have tried their hands with photo-sharing sites such as shutterstock, but only some have succeeded as their catalogs have become too crowded. 

The following are among the top photography blogs in India, in English.

photo blogging

craniumbolts - Cranium Bolts
happinessandfood - Happiness and Food
indiawildsdiary - IndiaWilds
jaipurthrumylens - Jaipur Thru My Lens!!
joshidaniel - Joshi Daniel Photography
naina -
pikturenama - Picturenama
rupamsarma - rupam sarma
sandeepachetan - SandeepaChetan's Travel Blog
shivangmehtaphotography - Shivang Mehta Photography
sujoyrdas - Trekking & Photography in the Himalaya
thirdeye007blog - My Third Eye...!
walkthewilderness - Walk the Wilderness

There are many bloggers in travel, lifestyle and food niches who post a large number of photographs, but most of them are basically travelers or chefs or fashionistas who also shoot photos. Such blogs have not been included in the list, unless the blogger has proved himself/ herself as a photographer. 
If you maintain a blog on photography or on other subjects but have a great collection of good quality photographs / photography related information on your blog, and your blog does not figure in this list, do write to us at


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