Wordpress vs Blogger: which is better especially when you start a new blog?

Updated: October 2020 We keep surfing the web, sometimes more often than a common blogger because we are in the 'business' of bringing blogging tips and tricks to new bloggers and compiling blog directories. Features you look for in blogging platforms. When you search on Google for ' how to start a blog ', you get 1.39 billion webpages. Search for ' Wordpress vs Blogger ', and you still get 141 million results! Show, how much has been written already on starting a blog and comparing the two most popular free blogging platforms. We checked dozens of pages that came at the top, when searching for ' Wordpress vs Blogger' . In most of these, we found Wordpress being recommended as compared to Blogger. But in most cases, the comparisons are misplaced, as we'll discuss later in this article. While we are well conversant with Wordpress, we use Blogger for our blogs, becasue we know its advantages over the free Wordpress platform for a commo...