What are the cheapest and yet the best website hosts? Compare and decide.

---------Which web host to choose?--------- We have talked in detail about web-hosting a number of times. These posts are linked at the end of this post. Right now, let's come straight to the point: What are the best website hosts out there? [Before that, let us announce that we have no commercial dealing with any of hosts mentioned here, and no interest in promoting or denigrating a web host. The positives and negatives given against these hosts are based on our understanding about them, feedback received from users and reviews on the web. If any of these hosts finds our comments unduly critical, they are requested to write to us and we'd publish their version too if relevant.] All the web hosts covered here have many features in common. They have many shared hosting plans (as against dedicated hosting plans), which suit most website owners and bloggers as these plans give enough bandwidth, etc for their purpose. All of the m offer packages / plans in a range ...