India's best literary blogs in 2018

If you want to see the current list of best literary blogs in India, please see the update as of September 20 here: Topmost literature blogs in India
The present post (below) is from archives of 2018.
We issued the list of best literary blogs in India last year and received good response from readers. The following list is that of best Indian English literary blogs in 2018.

We have discussed our observations of Indian literary blogging scene in the last post linked here. They still hold good. In the present one, we just update the list. Hope you find the blogs rich in content.

Blogs are arranged according to the operative part of their URL, in alphabetical order. Each entry contains the URL with link - blog title - short description.


abhijitbhaduri - Abhijit Bhaduri - author of leadership books
abhinavagarwal - Abhinav Agarwal - musings, book reviews
akswrites - The Untold Stories - musings, short fiction
anieshabrahma - Aniesha's Musings - musings, fiction, book reviews
anureviews - Anu Reviews
- big collection of book reviews
artofleo - I Rhyme Without Reason - musings, book reviews
bookgeeks - bookGeeks - book reviews, author interviews
cynthology - A few drops of ink - book reviews
ddsreviews - b00k r3vi3ws - a large collection of book reviews

devikafernando - Devika Fernando - author blog of the romance fiction writer
geetaavij - Fabric of Life - book reviews
inderpreetuppal - Inderpreet's Eloquent Articulation - musings, fiction, book reviews

jaiarjun - Jabberwock - book reviews
kaapitimes - Hot Cup of Kaapi - musings, book reviews

knownturf - Known Turf - author blog of the literary writer, some book reviews
literarism - Literarism - curation of literary articles in English
maniparna - Scattered Thoughts - some book reviews (besides other things)
meotherwise - Me Otherwise - musings, book reviews
nishitak - Nishita's Rants and Raves - lifestyle blog with many book reviews too
privytrifles - The Book Elf - a large collection of book reviews

readingonarainyday - Reading on a Rainy Day - musings, good collection of book reviews
saffrontree - Saffron Tree - a massive collection of children's book reviews
saurabhchawla - Saurabh's Lounge - stories, book reviews
shanayatales - Shanaya Tales - lifestyle blog with book reviews
soumya-hintofme - LOL: Life Of Leo - musings, book reviews
sundarivenkatraman - Flaming Sun - author's book blog of romance fiction writer
tabularasabookblog - Tabula Rasa - book reviews
thereaderscosmos - The Readers Cosmos - book reviews, author interviews

thisislitblog - This is Lit - good collection of book reviews
uspandey - One Grain Amongst the Storm - fiction, poetry, musings
vishytheknight - Vishy's Blog - good collection of book reviews

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