5 habits for success in blogging

People start blogging under a variety of influences and with a variety of goals. Whatever the initial provocation, majority of bloggers either quit blogging altogether or reduce it  significantly. Some do so in six months, some in a year. Only about twenty percent of bloggers persist with blogging beyond a year.

Yet at any given time, the number of bloggers and blogs is quite large: it includes a large number of those who are waiting to fall into low or no activity.

There are two main reasons for frustration or boredom with blogging: One is that most of us bloggers take up this activity as a hobby; so when its initial charm recedes, we find it dull. Another big reason is that we expect too much from blogging in terms of popularity and/or money. When it does not happen, we take it as a waste of time.

As we elaborated in this post on the love of blogging, one can gain a lot by way of professional reputation, expertise, personal growth, self-realisation, promotion of one's products, money, and so on, if we take up blogging seriously and systematically. Here we give a check-list for bloggers, which they should refer once in a while to ensure that they are in the right path.
Have you defined a goal for your blogs? 

Just 5 blogging habits that will give your blog a long, purposeful, life

1. Be specific. No harm keeping a low-level goal if you are happy with that: I want to promote my book... I want to start earning and it should be at least $1000 per year within a year... I want to help people gain better eiye-sight through naturopathy... I want to engage with others in literature... I want to keep improving my writing skills...
The goals(s) should be attainable with some effort.
Goals can be stand-alone goals for a blog, or for a number of them; these can be part of a goal to be achieved from other activities such as seminars, discussions, offline marketing, related website and social media engagement.
Goals can change mid-way but there should be good reason for that.

2. Are your resources enough to meet that goal? If the blog is on heart care, do you have thorough  medical expertise in this field? If you want to earn money from a blog on mobile apps, do you have the necessary knowledge as well as the skills to effectively use the blog for that? If you want to use the blog as an aid to the main website selling a product or service, is the product of top quality and are you clear how you will leverage the blog for selling it?

3. Will you be able to give the minimum time that it demands, over a long period? 
Blogs take up time in updating new content and technical maintenance. Creating original content of good quality requires good time. Engagement with comment-makers and others also needs time.

4. Do you have a back-up plan for lean periods and emergencies?
When you fall short of time, blogging is likely to be the first casualty unless you are committed towards it and have made advance provision for dealing with such situations.

5. Do you commit yourselves to whatever you decide here? Blogging requires commitment and discipline. You must keep reviewing your progress and re-committing yourselves, perhaps once in every six months, so that you achieve your goals.


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