A big benefit of blogging: it can convert stress into happiness, believe it!

Happy, unhappy and uninteresting moments in our life come again and again: some pass by and some leave us either hyper-excited or frustrated. In either case, we need to give vent to our feelings so that we do not end up doing something injurious or stupid but return to our normal self.

Blogging is a great way out for immediate calming of nerves as well as long-term emotional well-being!  

Personal blogging I mean, not a professional or corporate blog.

How to relieve stress and anxiety with blogging

I suggest that you open a blog, a personal blog. Use Blogger or Wordpress - the top free blogging platforms. I would recommend blogger for a stress-buster blog, because it allows you to experiment and not remain sober (as happens with Wordpress). Even if you are scared of technology or have never opened a blog, you cansee this article on how to open a new blog in just five minutes and learn how to spruce it up.

Use your personal blog as your punching bag. Make it the place where you spit out hatred, greed and guilt so that they don’t damage your pancreas, liver and kidney. Make it your secret vault where to give vent to your nastiest feelings so that they don’t come in the way of your experiencing the beautiful aspects of life.

In times of stress, even if it is over-excitement due to some great achievement, write down whatever comes to your mind. Abuses and expletives, threats and submissions, curses, painful details, unspeakable acts, bitter feelings about the relationship that the other person didn’t value, ambitions that you can’t share even with your husband/ parents/ girlfriend, confession, a plan of action,... 

If that does not satisfy you, put ugly photos and videos. Morph your boss's photos to look like a moron, put a shoe over it and animate the shoe to hit the boss's head. After putting the photo or sketch on the blog, remove it from elsewhere; give it a befitting caption full of slangs. Make the font extra-large and ugly. Record an abuse [or a song in your broken and shrill voice] and put it on the blog...

Save the post. If composing the post has made you even more excited, write another post. At the end, when you have released your adrenaline, leave the keypad. Don’t publish the post(s) yet. Don’t be in a hurry to put in action if your post has a plan of action. Don't email the video or audio to your friends or enemies. Not yet.

If you have a deep-seated sense of emptiness or depression / remorse / anger or hatred / excitement, keep writing such posts till you can no longer write them.

Look at these posts when the excitement has subsided. Not necessary on the same day: it can wait a week or a month. Tell yourself before opening the post(s) that these were written when you were disturbed and you will use the post(s) only if they are harmless to publish. Ask yourself this question again and again, till you are convinced that you are making a sensible choice.  

how to reduce stress with blogging

The result: better than you believed?

  • In ten out of ten cases, you will have dealt with the emotional event more sensibly than you could do so otherwise
  • In eight cases, you would know how much poison [or over-estimation, ego etc] your mind had accumulated and needed to be washed away. 
  • In five cases, you would get valuable insight into dealing with such situations in future or not to repeat the mistakes that led to that situation. 
  • In two cases out of ten, you would have written some of the best writings in your life – maybe with some editing.

As you might have noticed, there is no secret or big psychological funda in this. The blog is simply a slate - one that is available all the time and that also saves your thoughts - and such simple things often work better than the complex remedies suggested by psychologists and psychiatrists. All the best!

You might be interested in this related post: blogging and living happily ever after.

Do share your experience as it would help me add more points to it when I revise the post.


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