Submitting a website / blog to ITB

May 2020 update

You can submit your blog to TopBlogs for inclusion in the Directory of Best Indian Blogs [We are able to maintain best blog directories of only Indian blogs as of now] and the Directory of Best Hindi blogs [Hindi blogs from anywhere in the world].

A blog need not be submitted for its inclusion in a blog directory, and we do not charge a penny for listing of blogs in our directories. Since we may sometime not discover a blog on our own, it helps if a blog is suggested to us for inclusion in blog directories. It also helps to re-submit a blog that was earlier listed but has fallen off the directory because it was not maintained well for some time.

For bringing a deserving blog to our notice for one of the two blog directories maintained by us, do email its URL to
We have suspended these services:
  • showcasing of blogs on TopBlogs unless that is done on our own;
  • free blog reviews;
  • yearly listing of the topmost dozen Indian English blogs;
  • category-wise listing of top blogs.

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