How to easily improve SEO by using Google's experience rating update

In this small article, we tell you how to make use of the  signal of 'experience' for your website's search engine optimization. 

And that is not difficult. You do not need to be an SEO expert to implement this.

Google now gives high importance to creator experience

If you are even slightly interested in search engine optimization (SEO), you would have learnt that Google has an age-old concept of E-A-T (expertise, authority, trust) for judging the quality of websites. Recently it said, it has included one more 'E' to this to account for experience. 

You can visit the announcement at this link to Google announcement on experience added to quality rating guidelines 

seo for blogs and websites

That means, Google now considers web content that has been created by experienced creators as more important as compared to that created by others. 

But how does Google get the signal for experience? Going by the latest rater guidelines issued by Google, people or organizations that deal with that topic for a long time is one positive signal. 

Let us see what we can do to improve our website's SEO by improving its experience quotient. You will see that when you focus on your subject, E-A-T as well as experience grow together.

* Write consistently on one subject, and explore its different aspects in articles or blog posts.

Even if your website or blog is new, over time it will keep getting a better ranking on experience signal.

* Deal with practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. 

This will show that you not only have good expertise ('E' in E-A-T), you have a varied experience on the subject. 

* Link other articles on the web. 

If those articles are on good websites, they will also improve your ranking in other qualitative parameters.  

That is a great signal about your experience on the subject. 

* Link your own old articles on the latest articles/ posts. 

This, I guess, is a potent way to tell Google that you have been creating posts on this subject for a long time. 

To sum up

To get good SEO gain without much effort, you should:

  • Write consistently on one subject.
  • Deal with different aspects of the subject, both theoretical and practical.
  • Link with your articles in other websites.
  • Give links to old, related, articles on the same website.


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