On the blog, should you have more posts or pages?

We received a query on Quora, How do I know when to post an article into the website page or post it as a blog post? Then a blogger posted this query on an ITB post, Whether we should have pages or posts on a blog that is not too frequently required to be updated. We thought, let's have some discussion around the topic of 'blog post versus blog page' so that the matter gets clarified. The concept of post is inherent in the concept of blogging. Pages arrived when the need for some static content was felt. So, different platforms have their own definition of what is a page and what's a post. O ver the years, a lot of convergence has taken place among platforms but at the same time, the concept of pages, posts and blogs has widened to include all types of long-form content that is regularly updated . All things considered, t here are some common properties that differentiate blog pages and blog posts on major platforms and on blogs independent of blogging platfo...