Mid-way updation of the Directory of Best Indian Blogs: who is in?

In December every year, we try to accommodate excellent new blogs or blogs that we missed during the directory updation in May of that year. This small list of top Indian English blogs is addition to the best Indian blogs' directory for 2018. If you visit the directory , you would notice that we have also removed some blogs that were not regularly updated after their inclusion in this edition of the directory. Here are the chosen new blogs from the Indian blogging scene: activelifeliving - Active Life Living allaboutthewoman - All About The Woman allgudthings - All Gud Things ashirespondingtolife - Ashi Responding To Life auraofthoughts - Aura of Thoughts bakewithshivesh - Bake with Sivesh blogsikka - Parenting While Traveling bookedforlife - Booked for Life bookishelf - The Bookish Elf bookscharming - Books Charming boomerangmoments - Boomerang Moments code2cook - Code2Cook cookbookjaleela - Cook Book Jaleela endlesselan - Epiphanic Mome...