Blogging as mass media: Is blogger a journalist?

Guest post by Manoj Pandey [Mr. Pandey, a keen social media observer, is the author of The Manual of Blogging and The Manual of Social Media . His professional blog Sociallogging is private now but he is active on social media. This guest post carries excerpts from The Manual of Blogging .] Blogs were among the first social media entities that, in addition to connecting people, gave rise to mass distribution of content. In that sense they are no less than the traditional 'mass media'. However, puritans would not like to dilute the significance of traditional mass media such as newspapers and television – where a formal ‘press’ entity broadcasts news and information to a large audience/ readership. ... On the other hand, some media observers in the early blogging days got swayed by the tide of blogging. They even predicted that blogs would soon annihilate the mainstream print press. That never happened. ... While the boundaries have disappeared...