How to write well: 10 top writing tips for bloggers, authors

‘Content is king’ is perhaps the best rule that has ever been told to a writer. It has become a cliché but its value has only increased with the advent of the world wide web . M any bloggers who have made good fortune tell that they concentrate on content as much as on other aspects of blogging. We judge written content on websites and blogs in two ways: subject matter and writing skills . Both need to be of excellent quality so that the blog fulfills its purpose of informing, educating or advising people. Such content attracts attention, is referred to by people again and again, makes visitors come to the blog when they look for more such content. If you are focused on making money from blog, good content is key to that in many unseen ways. Please bear in mind that quality content is not one-off affair, nor will it give quick dividends. You must churn out quality regularly; success will come as a by-product. How to write well, and write beautifully? Here are the 10 simple but ver...