Best Hindi blogs in 2022

 We have updated the Directory of Best Hindi Blogs, 11th edition. It has been our tradition for the last 11 years to release a new edition of the listing of top Hindi blogs in August-September and update it again in January-February. 

The updated listing of best Hindi blogs has Hindi blogs that shine in terms of blogging endeavour, content and regularity. Some blogs have design issues but we have usually ignored them, or given advice to bloggers to improve their designs at least to the extent that the blog is readable and does not look childish.

In the present updation, the Directory has lost 10 blogs mainly due to irregular postings, while it has added 6 new blogs. It now has 103 blogs.

Best of luck to the new bloggers whose blogs have been included in the Directory now, and of course to those who maintain their presence in the Directory year after year. 

best Hindi blogs 2022


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